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Profit by Following
- Symbol GBP/USD
- Trading Account #5 90053135
- Broker ICMarkets
- Open/Close price 1.27161/1.26761
- Volume Sell 0.6 Flots
- Profit 240.00 USD
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Season 15 Competition Rules 【Must Read】
FOLLOWME Trading Competition is an event aimed at global traders. The competition adheres to the concept of "discovering excellent traders and spreading quality trading strategies," upholding the principles of openness, fairness, and justice, and aims to provide a platform for participants to showca
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Asing Kembali Masuk Pasar, Cek Saham-Saham yang Banyak Dikoleksi, Selasa (15/10)
Asing Kembali Masuk Pasar, Cek Saham-Saham yang Banyak Dikoleksi, Selasa (15/10) Oleh: Noverius Laoli Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024 21:26 WIB KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Kembali ditutup di zona hijau pada perdagangan hari kedua pekan ini. Ini merupak
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Pull-up Update